ISRO Recruitment 2024–10th & ITI Pass Job For 224 Various Post Vacancy, Check Eligibility, Age, How To Apply
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has issued a notification inviting online applications for vacancies in the roles of Technician, Draughtsman, and Technical Assistant. The recruitment process will involve a competitive examination, and interested candidates are encouraged to participate by applying online. Click Here
A total of 224 vacancies will be filled through the ISRO Recruitment for Technician, Technical Assistant & Others. The board has announced that the online application dates will be made available on February 10, 2024. Once the application schedule is announced, candidates can access a direct link on our website to complete their application forms for the recruitment process.
Notes: Please note that the details provided are based on the information available and may be subject to change. Candidates should refer to the official notification and website for the latest and most accurate information. (Assam Job seeker | Assam job news | Job In Assam | Assam Career | All Jobs Assam | UP Jobs | UPPSC | wbhrb | NTR university | drntruhs | cwccareer | karmasandhan | sarkari naukri | sarkari results)